Selasa, 18 November 2008

Red Spot Disease

Warning on fish disease reported in Australia - this may come our way - I will keep this updated.

The disease strips the slimy layer on the fish, allowing a fungus to develop and red lesions and deep ulcers to appear. Heavy rainfall after a long dry spell is responsible for the disease.

Epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) is considered to be an infection with an oomycete [fungus] known as Aphanomyces invadans or A. piscicida.
It is a seasonal epizootic condition of great importance in wild and farmed freshwater and estuarine fish; it has a complex infectious aetiology and is clinically characterised by the presence of invasive _Aphanomyces_ infection and necrotising ulcerative lesions typically leading to a granulomatous response.

EUS is also known as red spot disease (RSD), mycotic granulomatosis (MG), and ulcerative mycosis (UM).

Recently, scientists proposed that EUS should be re-named as epizootic granulomatous aphanomycosis or EGA. At present, RSD, MG, UM, and EGA are synonyms for EUS

Viral-Hemorrhagic-Septicemia found in Carp

Viral-Hemorrhagic-Septicemia is a very contagious disease, more so than K.H.V. and kills just as fast.

It's been known in trout and salmon for many years and has now been found in koi in the U.S.A. has never caused much concern with carp.

This is a isolated case but that's not the point - most of us assumed carp were immune and exempt from infection. This throws a completely new light on this deadly disease, which spreads like a hot knife through butter.

It has just about kill 2/3s of the trout in one of the great lakes in the U.S.A. As a result, the O.I.E., the world organization for animal health, have officially listed koi as a susceptible species. This means all countries who export koi will require a declaration included in their health certificates for V.H.S. And should the disease be found, a 2 year testing program will be imposed as for both S.V.C. and K.H.V.

This is just how K.H.V. started, with one isolated case. The problem was K.H.V. was not known, and it was put down to a aeromonas sub-species and treated as such. The rest is history.

I will update you when my contacts in the states update me.

K.H.V. Outbreak in November

K.H.V. has been reported and tested positive in Berkshire. I've never know this diseases so late in the year. It makes you think this is a fishery not a domestic pond.

This outbreak is thought to have been brought about by a introduction of illegally dump pet fish, which is a problem with many fisheries, lakes and rivers. This practice is totally illegal, with a heavy fine if proved. Misguided pet fish owners seem to think they are doing their unwanted pets a favour. This could not be further from the truth. They bring alien diseases into our waterways with devastating consequences, as this case shows.

In my opinion the public do not seem to be aware of the trauma these action bring about, and the law which prohibits this action should be more publicly advertised with notices on canals, lakes, rivers and fresh water boating and pleasure parks. The lack of the awareness is half the problem. You ask any member of the public about dumping pet fish into our waterways and 99% have no idea its illegal or the problems it brings about.

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